The Atomic Blast - Hypnosis CD (Gas)
Awesome, modern sounding Euro-instros in the style of Laika & The Cosmonauts, The Hypnomen and El Ray, but with a strong Joe Meek/Tornados influence as well. While the band members have achieved popularity (and honed their technique) in popular bands like The Valkyrians and Mike Bell & The Belltones, they have achieved pure genius here with this 13 song CD. They are assisted by Pekka Laine (The Hypnomen) behind the production desk, and mixing was done by Janne Haavisto (drummer of Laika & The Cosmonauts). If you're a fan of Joe Meek and pretty much anything with that Clavoline/Hammond Chord organ sound you'll flip over the 2nd song, "Cosmic Fantasy V" - just an amazing tune. It's not all about the organ though - they have some really nice guitar sounds, echoey Shadows style twang, Duane Eddy twang, fuzz guitar, strummed acoustics and more. Simply an amazing disc, with a great deal of variety throughout.
Tracks: Astralfant - Cosmic Fantasy V - Crazy Crazy Lightyears - Hypnophobia - Space Patrol - The Amazing Hypno-Bear (On A Unicycle) - Demolition Derby - Digging My Grave - Slavedriver - Colt 45 - Drink That Blood, Senor??? - Ride The Rocket, Senor??? - Shin-Okubo