Les Agamemnonz - De A a Z CD (Green Cookie)
This French combo has exquisite tone - loads of reverb on the guitar, and a knowledge of what made early 60’s surf rock so great. I would love to see these guys live - not only do they perform their original songs in the style of a great vintage combo, they do so wearing togas on stage (I myself performed for a couple of years in a band that wore togas as well). For a modern comparison, they are somewhat similar to The Surfites or The Phantom Surfers. This CD combines two of their LPs - "Au Revoir" and their self-titled debut, along with one bonus track - 18 songs in all. Proof again that these days, not all of the great instrumental surf rock comes from the United States. The sound of surf has swept the planet, and proof of that is that you can find one of the best bands around in a small city on the Rhine in France called Rouen.
Tracks: Schnell Wie Eine Rakete - Tre Grazie - Vulkanizer - El Tremblador - Introduction - Yuruyusu - A Palavas-Les-Flots - Brulure Indienne - Au Revoir - Grands Rapides - Feliway - Marathon - Simon's Beat - Vinyl Roof - Apollo - Salma VI - Tristes Tropiques - Compressor