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Interviews With Your Favorite Surf/Instro Bands

apemen-bassist.jpgFor over 15 years The Continental Magazine has delivered some of the most in-depth interviews with surf/instro musicians ever published. However, we are only able to publish one, sometimes two, issues each year, but we LOVE talking to bands throughout the world year-round. So we've decided to start doing shorter interviews that we can post on the website, to help fill in the gaps between issues of the magazine.

The first interview was with Frankie of Double Crown Recording artists The Volcanics. Yes, we fully admit there is a bit of favoritism going on with this choice, but they have a new album on the way later this month, and there has been very little press about the band so far. We've followed it up with an interview with Portland, OR surf combo The Apollo Four. 

We hope to have at least one new interview each month, so check back here regularly, or keep up to date via our Facebook page. If you have suggestions for bands we should interview, shoot us an e-mail!


11/12/2013 - Frankie De La Torre (Guitarist) of The Volcanics

3/7/2014 - The Apollo Four